New year sad story
I feel sad to start the new year by breaking a devastating news I got few days ago. I can only imagine what this young lady is going through and the thoughts of her pain brings so many bad memories to me. To any mother going through the loss of a child, my heartfelt condolences goes out to you. Please be consoled and just give time a chance to heal you.
My high school friend lost her twin girls in 2020. We were all sad by the news and just wondered how she'll pull through. She eventually did and took in last year again. We got the news that she put to bed to a bouncing girl on the 4th of January this year. We were so elated about the news and all wished her well and a quick recovery. The unimaginable happened the next day. The baby died!!! When I heard the news, I couldn't believe it. How, why, what happened??? It was a terrible news indeed!! I can only imagine what her family is going through now!!
I hope she pulls through again. I hope she finds the strength she needs to get better.. we'll do our best by keeping in touch and making sure she's ok because these excruciating experience can make one go crazy!!
To anyone who is going through same or similar pain, I pray you get the comfort you need in this trying time.. May God comfort your heart and make you whole again
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