Don't set deadlines, set goals!!

 This just simply means 'giving yourself time for growth and avoiding putting oneself under undue and unnecessary pressure'. When people say they should be at a place or point in their lives and that doesn't work out or seem to work out especially after doing what you ought to have done, it can take a total toll on you and affect every other aspects of your life. Deadlines are different from goals. With Deadlines, you are limiting everything to time ,that is , you say by this time I should be here or should have this and that but goals are limitless because you are constantly working towards them and not limiting anything to time. With Deadlines, you become easily disappointed and depressed because you have fashioned your time and life towards a particular period and when it doesn't work out, it feels all hope is lost.  I use to be a victim of this until I learned the hard way. I said by this time in my life, I should be married with kids and a good job. I should have gotten this or that. Life unfortunately can happen and so the only way not to get disappointed is just setting goals and working towards them without attaching deadlines. If it will happen at that point you want it to happen, good for you but if it doesn't you keep working and believing it will. Now that's not to say we should be docile and take everything for granted because life can happen, it just shows how unintentional you are about living.

Let's try to stop attaching our existence, happiness or accomplishments towards a particular time. Keep working towards that goal till it becomes a reality. Keep living. If you can't attach a deadline to your death, you shouldn't attach a deadline to anything in life.


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