Hope, the one thing!!

 If there wasn't an iota of belief in something or someone, this life would have been meaningless. People hope on things because it gives them a reason to live and hang in even in the midst of nothingness.  Hope brings a choice of a second chance, a reason to believe that it can be better. What is your hope built on? What are you holding on to for a fulfilled and happy life? Whatever it is, make sure it's a sure corner stone, a permanent assurer, somewhere you can wholly, not partially lean on. Someone you can trust will come through for you in the midst of adversity. Someone who can never fail no matter how long it takes. Someone whose blessings and promises are not short-lived, not just to you but for generations unborn. Someone whom you can trust.. Mine is God, the one who sent his son Jesus Christ for me to give an everlasting hope and an assurance that my Joy is beyond the life we live on earth and if he left the tomb and was resurrected so will I.  I hold on to that because I know that his promises are sure!!


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