Don't Delay
Sometimes I look back and wished I created more memories with my Dad especially when he was really down. We were so engrossed in trying to make sure he was better that we didn't think much of creating beautiful memories. I recently re-watched 'My sister's keeper' the one with Cameron Diaz as a mother trying so much to save her daughter who was dying of leukemia. Nothing else mattered to her, not even her other kids. When we are faced with the sad reality that our loved ones who are going through unimaginable pain that might lead to their death comes, One thing we shouldn't forget while taking care of them is creating beautiful indelible moments with them so that we can always feel them if they eventually die and show others about the kind of person they were to us. Trust me, it helps!! Now this wasn't the initial reason for this post. I'm more particular about people who lose loved ones suddenly due to an accident or who fell victims of unfortunate circumstances. This type of death hits differently because the mind hadn't braced up for any eventuality. This is why it's always important to let the people who you love know that you love them always. Don't Delay that call, it could be the last. Don't Delay that forgiveness, Don't procrastinate that visit, Don't forget to send that message. Be intentional about keeping in touch with your family and friends, even acquaintances.. not because you don't have anything better to do but because life is for rent and anyone can be evicted at any time.
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