How to manage your emotions after a loss
I can tell you for sure that this can be one of the hardest things to do especially when you least expected it. If someone told you that what you are going through emotionally and even physically can be curbed in months or even years, then that person hasn't gone through a loss, however eventually the pain might not be as intense as when it first happened as time passes. Some people might feel that stab or heartbroken when they reminisce on times spent with who they've lost and those emotions can bring back sadness again. Some others do not like to remember because it weighs them down and then, they come off as insensitive especially during a remembrance. While some never recover from it and be depressed all their lives and may take their lives if not managed well. Whatever the case maybe, I'm sharing some ways on how you can manage your emotions after a loss. It helped me and I hope it helps you too.
1) Mourn : Don't hoard your feelings. It's okay to cry!!
2) Give yourself time to heal. Be patient with the healing process. The emotions will still show up, just know that the intensity of the pain you feel will reduce with time.
3) Have a reliable support system. Have people with whom you can cry on their shoulders at any time. People who won't force you to heal but will always give a listening ear and words of encouragement.
4) Don't drown yourself in your emotions, it will definitely overwhelm you. Find something you can keep busy with when you are up for it.
5) You can write about your experience to encourage others, you'll be surprised of how many people you'll inspire.
6) Cry again if you need to!! It's okay
Finally I found solace in God's words.. It was a binding force to my healing process and it worked..
You'll be alright!!! Hang in there.
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