Managing emotions about what could have been yours
Just in the last couple of months, getting the beautiful news of 'my pregnant circle' giving birth to their babies had me just reflect on how that could have been me. I have to constantly remind myself that it's going to be fine and it will be a matter of time before having mine again. I had to unlearn how not to put myself under pressure. Have you been in a situation where you were close to getting something you wanted or you've worked hard for and all of a sudden, came crashing down and there's nothing you could have done to save the situation, however amongst your equals or peers, that same thing worked for them. It could be promotion at work, graduation from school, getting married, having kids, having a stable and happy home, financial breakthrough etc. Noticing these things not working in your favor but moving on well in the lives of your peers can take a total toll on your emotions but letting these emotions have a grip on you can manipulate your thoughts to envy, hatred and Jealousy. Life can be unfair to everyone but ability to shake off the negativity in your thoughts and actions makes the difference. Stop Comparison, stop comparing your situation with anyone. Everyone is fighting a secret battle. I found out that the secret to a happy life is to never compare your situation to that of another. You'll be surprised of how better you might be doing than someone you've compared your life or situation to. Live life void of comparison,then you'll be putting yourself off unnecessary pressure.
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